"Apple iPhone 11 vs Xiaomi Mi 9 Pro Mobile Comparison

Hey guys this is me MK Technical. And today I am going to put the dual camerason the iPhone 11, up against the quad cameras on the Redmi Note 9 Pro.

 Many people ask me in the comments that why do I even bother making these videos. Well the answer has been the same, since I first compared the cameras on the Mi A1 with the ones on the iPhone 7 Plus, back in 2017. It is to show you guys how far the camerason these budget smartphones have come. And you don’t need to spend heaps of moneyto be able to take good images with your smartphone. Keep in ming, that the iPhone 11 costs 5 timesmore than the Redmi Note 9 Pro, so its images are definitely going to be better. But will they be 5 times as good, let’sfind out. To keep this video from getting too long,Instead of walking you through all the camera specs on both these phones, I will leave themon this slide. You can pause the video and go through themif you want. Now before we get to the image and videossamples, if you are new to this channel, please make sure to hit the subscribe button andthe bell icon next to it. That way, youtube will notify you, as andwhen a new video goes up on this channel. Starting with the daylight images. While both these images look equally goodat a glance, the difference becomes apparent if you look at them for a few more seconds. Colours, dynamic range and details are muchbetter in the image from the iPhone 11. The Note 9 Pro gets a 48 megapixel sensor,but in the default mode, it captures 12 megapixel pixel binned images. Even with the larger sensor and higher megapixelcount, Note 9 Pro’s images don’t have as many details as the iPhone 11’s images. I mentioned this in its dedicated camera reviewas well, that the Note 9 Pro tends to over expose the scene. So for almost all of these shots, I had topull the brightness slider down by a few points manually. Whereas iPhone 11 pretty much nails the exposureon its own, every single time. In most of our previous iPhone vs Redmi Noteseries camera comparisons, Redmi’s phones have performed better than this. Colours are a bit inconsistent from the RedmiNote 9 Pro. There is a slight magenta or green tint insome of the note 9 Pro’s shots. In some images, this tint is much more clearlyvisible. When shooting outdoors, Note 9 Pro deliversslightly saturated images with more contrast. While colours from the iPhone 11 are moretrue to life and appear as they really were. When compared to the images from the Note9 Pro, they appear a bit too flat. But when we move indoors, Note 9 Pro’s imagessuddenly loose all the contrast and sharpness, and capture very pale looking colours. While taking HDR shots, there is a clear differenceand images from the iPhone 11 shows better dynamic range. iPhone beings back more details from the shadowscompared to the Note 9 Pro. And it also handles brighter areas better,like this edge of the building. We see a clear separation between the skyand the bulilding in the image from iPhone, but in Note 9 Pro’s image, there are barelyany details in this part. In this image, iPhone 11 again brought backmore details from the shadows, while preserving more details from the brighter areas. And as we zoom in, we can also see that Note9 Pro did not preserve any details or sharpness in the overall image. We see the same in this next set of imagesas well. Not only did the Note 9 Pro failed to bringup the shadows, it also failed to capture a sharper image. Both these phones get an ultra wide lens,and they can take shots like this. You can see how much more of the scene theseultra wide lenses let you capture compared to the primary lens. As we look at these images side by side, lookat the difference in the white balance and colour temperature from the 2 lenses on theNote 9 Pro. Whereas iPhone 11 maintains a similar pictureprofile on both the lenses. There is also a 2x mode on both these phones,neither of them have a telephoto lens, so these images are just digitally zoomed in. Note 9 Pro has a higher resolution sensor,so at first I thought, its digitally zoomed images would turn out sharper, but I was wrong. As we zoom in, digitally zoomed in imagesfrom the iPhones primary sensor are much sharper and hold on to lot more details compared tothe Note 9 Pro. On both the phones, These ultra wide shotsare not as sharp or detailed as ones from the primary camera. But I would say it is still nice to have theselenses, as they let us capture the same scene from a different perspective. If you want to capture higher resolution images,Note 9 pro will let you switch to the 48 megapixel mode. While this these images do capture more details,the difference between these and 12 megapixel pixel binned images, can be noticed only whenyou zoom in 4-5 times. So personally, I don’t use this mode atall, and I would also suggest you guys to stick with the default 12 megapixel mode. Coming to close up shots, these images lookreally good from both the phones. We kind of expect them to look good from theiPhones, but thanks to a bigger sensor and a wider aperture, they look equally good fromthe Redmi Note 9 Pro. That is, when it decides to set the focus. Very often, Note 9 Pro just wont set the focuson a particular object. Not by itself, and not even when I tappedon the object. I mentioned it in its camera review more thana month back, and Redmi still hasn’t fixed the problem. After a few attempts, when it does set thefocus, as I said, its close up images look just as good as the ones from the iPhone 11. If you want to get even closet to the subject,iPhone 11 will only let you get this close, but thanks to a dedicated macro lens, on theNote 9 pro, you can get as close as 2.5cm from your subject, and still set the focus. In the past year or so, With every Redmi deviceI have started liking the Macro mode more and more, and I really hope Apple brings thismode to their next iPhone. Coming to the Portrait mode. If you haven’t heard me say this enoughalready, I just love this mode. It is the easiest way to make your imageslook like they were taken with a DSLR camera and an expensive prime lens. If your smartphone has this mode, and if youare not using it, you are missing out on a lot. Look at how amazing these portrait shots turnedout. Normally I find the edge detection to be betteron Redmi smartphones, but with software updates, iPhone has got a lot better at detecting theedges, and it actually did a better job in these images. It also managed to capture sharper subject,and better dynamic range. Even in this shot, Note 9 Pro missed somepart go the cap, while the iPhone 11 has done a wonderful job. I am nit picking on the small differencesin the edge detection and all, because this is a comparison video, and I have to tellyou which one did better. But if you check out the portraits from theNote 9 Pro alone, they look really good on their own. Another mode that is present on the Note 9Pro and not on the iPhone 11 is this movie mode. It lets us take portrait shots in 21:9 aspectratio with black bars at the top and bottom. Making the overall shot look very cinematic. This is my new favourite mode, and I thinkmore and more manufacturers need to add this on their smartphones. I am one of the few people, who takes portraitmode images of objects. As with portraits of humans, I think thismode gives your images a more professional look. Both are good at detecting the edges of objects,and separating them from the background. In this case, Note 9 Pro again captures brighterimages, but iPhone’s images show more contrast, which depending on your preference, you mayor may not like. Redmi phones have always been good at detectingthe edges, but iPhones for some reason have always struggled with it. And it is nice to see them step up and getthe edge detection right on this years iPhones. Moving on to indoor, artificial and lowerlighting conditions. In these conditions, difference between thetwo starts getting wider and wider. In these set of images, one from the iPhoneis brighter and much more detailed, while one from the Note 9 Pro is very soft overall. This is confirmed as we zoom in. We barely see any details in Note 9 Pro’simage, while one from the iPhone 11 holds on to most of the details. Note 9 Pro’s performance gets worse as wemove to even lower lighting conditions. I don’t know if it is the new GM2 sensorfrom Samsung, or if Redmi messed up the image processing on this Note 9 Pro. But I think it is performing worse than theNote 8 Pro or even the Note 7 Pro in these lighting conditions. Both of them get night mode to help them takebetter images in lower light, and this mode has been doing wonders on the iPhone 11. But we barely see any difference in the imagesfrom the Note 9 Pro. Night mode only helps it take ever so slightlybrighter images and handles the exposure from lights better, other than that, these imagesare barely usable. For low light iPhone 11 is a clear winner. I really wish Redmi is working on fixing thelow light performance of this phone. That brings us to the front facing cameras. Note 9 Pro has a 16 megapixel selfie cameraas opposed to the 12 megapixel one on the iPhone 11, and this shows in their images. Ones from the Redmi Note 9 Pro are a bit sharper,but make sure to turn off the beauty mode, eletytime you switch to the selfie camera,as it is on by default. iPhone handles the colours and skin tonesbetter, while the selfies from the Note 9 pro have too much contrast in them. And sometimes, there is a weird green tintin in Note 9 Pro’s selfies. For the portrait selfies, when there is justone person in the frame, I prefer these shots from the iPhone 11, because its portrait shotslook more natural and have better skin tones and colours. But when there are multiple people in theframe, I prefer taking portrait selfies from the Note 9 Pro, as it manages to keep everyonein the frame in focus. While the iPhone 11 just keeps the personclosest to the camera in focus. That being said, I wont mind using the Note9 Pro for taking my selfies, both portrait and normal, but I hate that beauty mode ison by default, and I have to turn it off, every time I need to take a selfie. 4K videos don’t get any kind of stabilisationon the Note 9 Pro, and they are capped at 30fps. While the iPhone 11 can shoot stabilised 4k60fps videos. These videos are unnaturally saturated fromthe Note 9 Pro, while the colours and overall videos look almost perfect from the iPhone11. If you want electronic stabilisation on theNote 9 Pro, you have to drop the resolution down to 1080p at 30fps. While these videos are still not of the iPhone’squality, but when you shoot them in a lot of light, they still look good. For slow motion videos, iPhone can record1080p videos at 240fps, and Note 9 Pro can do same frame rate at 720p resolution. It can even do 960fps at 720p resolution,but those videos just look very processed, so I stay away from them. It is hard even for flagship smartphones tocompete with iPhones when it comes to video recording, so I wont be too harsh on the Note9 Pro, because it can still get the job done with usable electronically stabilised 1080p30fps videos. For images, we saw over 65 samples, and Ithink iPhone 11 came on top in pretty much every scenario. But we knew this from the start, and the realquestion is, is it 5 times better than the Note 9 Pro. I think it is hard to objectify how much betterit is, but in certain situations like in low light, I am afraid I have to the Note 9 Prois really bad. So much so that I would like to say, if youtake lot of images indoor or in lower light, just stay away from it. In other situations, I think many people whojust want to take a picture, and are not too keen on checking how the colours are, or howthe dynamic range is, can make do with the Redmi Note 9 Pro. But if for someone, smartphone photographyis important, and they care about these things, iPhone 11 is the way to go. It can definitely give an entry level DSLRor a point and shoot, a run for its money. These have been my thoughts, but you guyssaw the images too. So what are your thoughts? let me know in the comments. That is it for this video guys. Please hit the like button if you enjoyedthis video, and subscribe to the channel for more quality tech videos like this. You can also check out some of the other videosfrom this channel. This has been Sagar, and I will catch youguys in the next video, Take care. 

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